GPS and Depth

I'm adding a Raymarine ST50 Depth and a Magellan FX324 MAP Color chartplotter to the bulkhead of my Beneteau 235, to join my compass. But first, I have to plug the old holes. Videos and fully story after the break:

I had mentioned that the 3M DP-8005 was hard to find. To get it, I went to my go-to place for exotic (and they carry non-exotic) hardware and supplies. Grainger. Need a M4x16 machine-head bolt in stainless? They stock them in two alloys! Most good sized metro areas will have several locations. They are a B2B supplier, so they don't advertise much. Mere mortals can buy from them on what they call an 'accommodation account'. It's all good. Find them on the web HERE.

After I cut out the new hole for the GPS right in the middle of the old 4-inch holes, I test fit the plotter.

Not bad at all. Tomorrow I'll cover the old drill holes (they were 6 inches apart; I cannot image what they held in place) with gelcoat repair and seal and fasten the unit in place.


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